become a member!

Join our exclusive membership club and enjoy anytime- access to an always private studio featuring equipment such as light stands, seamless backdrops, strobe lights and more.

Save 60%

  • Our hourly rental cost (with strobes) is $65 an hour. Members pay $400 a month for 15 hours, thus saving nearly 60% !

    Pay month by month. No long term obligations.

  • Not only will you have access to all studio equipment including strobe lights, seamless backdrops, fabric backdrops, light modifiers, and light stands, you will have access to host creative meetings with peers, or clients.

  • Book up to 2 hours before your session. Regular bookings are required to be booked 24 hours in advance. You will have access to the members only calendar to reserve hours. You may add on hours easily while in a session.

  • Be apart of a small team that works together to support each other. Call on another member for advice, assistance with a shoot, or any other studio related needs

Sign up here!

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